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  • MAN Flyer
    Sad indeed. That is not good. It's becoming one hell of a 'temporary' closure.

    Still no 'A+' lounge open and no idea when, or who can go in, and now still an unmanned bar in their (current) flagship lounge. There's a word that springs to mind here...

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  • SQ LPP
    It is very sad to see this note:

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  • jhm
    Thanks, UMD. The lounge looks very calm, peaceful and quiet.

    Pics of the food and drink areas ?

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  • SQ LPP
    Thanks UMD. More pictures?

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  • UMD
    As requested by SQ LPP, here are the sights of SKL F at T3:

    Beyond the glass window panels one level down is the waiting lounge for gates A1 - A8. This is located at the back side of the F lounge.

    Looking towards the back of the lounge from the same area where I took the first phone conversation is not allowed in this area

    This is the left side. On the other side of that wood panel wall is the A+ lounge area. The first picture posted here is the opposite side on the right.

    Walking towards the exit of the F lounge...the right side of this hallway (slabs of granite wall) is where the dining area is. At the end of this hallway, is where the toilets and the shower facilities are (at the time of this picture, the toilets and shower facilities were not yet open).

    At the right hand side of where I was standing to take the previous picture is the entrance to the "soon-to-be-open" A+ section of the lounge. As you can see, the entrance is blocked by these 2 indoor plants.

    This is the main lounge area on the left side of the bar.

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  • SQ LPP
    started a topic [SIN T3] SKL F

    [SIN T3] SKL F

    Please help completing the information and pictures of this lounge.
    Thank you.