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Singapore Girls get a makeover

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  • Singapore Girls get a makeover

    In today's (3rd April) ST there was this sub headline that caught my attention. It is about SQ deciding that the girls needing a new makeup to keep up with the times.....

    Yes, I actually hated the blue eyeshadow.... on my last flights with SQ SIN-MNL and MNL-SIN, I noticed that the blue eyeshadow were on some of the girls, while some did not....then I realised that those with the blue eyeshadow were trainees FAs, while the more seniors ones had their own preference of makeup.....

    I always though that the blue colours on the faces made the girls look ah-lian-like.......

    Here the article in todays papers, which I religiously copied from my ST iPad edition and stitched them together for your reading pleasure.....

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  • #2
    I think their problems run a little different than eye colour but there you go.

    The girls are given a colour card that sets out what shades they are allowed to use based on their complexion and face shape, maybe they will do away with these as well. I'd love to see the response if European and US airlines told their crew they had to adhere to one of those.

    When we had the tour of the grooming room* at the training centre prior to SQ747/8 last year we saw a batch of newbies being trained it was a bit of an eye opener, if you pardon the pun. I did get some interesting pictures but they specifically asked us after the tour not to put them up so we didn't. Not that I do anyway but that's another story....

    *I can't help thinking they could do with a different name for it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by MAN Flyer View Post
      I'd love to see the response if European and US airlines told their crew they had to adhere to one of those.
      I doubt it would help with the grandma factor, but it sure would be funny!

      Feel free to send me the pics of MORE events I missed! Doh!
      HUGE AL


      • #4
        C'mon, someone please tell me that this is a mis-timed April Fool's joke! And they forgot to include the bit about spending a million with a branded consultancy for that recommendation.


        • #5
          I think the press coverage got the spin all wrong: the message should have been "the iconic sarong kebaya lives on!"...instead they focused on the eye shadow...

          I hope SQ have less subtle innovations planned for the new cabin interiors.


          • #6
            Originally posted by yflyer View Post
            ...instead they focused on the eye shadow...
            I think one can look at it as a strategic decision.

            I'm listening to The King's Singers rendition of the Singapore Girl song, composed by Patrick Aulton, Bob Barratt, and Nick Alexander. The lyrics contain the following lines:

            Tell me with your eyes/Will I reach my Shangri-la
            This version of the Singapore Girl song was released on vinyl in 1974 at the very dawn of SIA itself. Hence, one could say that the eye shadow has strategically been part and parcel of the Singapore Girl along with the sarong kebaya!
            Last edited by B727; 28 April 2013, 12:23 AM. Reason: format quote
            Le jour de Saint Eugène, en traversant la Calle Mayor...

