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do you notice a drop in service

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  • do you notice a drop in service

    I was wondering have anyone else noticed a drop in cabin service,

    I recently just returned from flts SFO-HKG in business class and noticed
    that I was no longer addressed by my name and in the past stewardesses would always be walking up and down the aisle ever so often during the flight,
    I passed this of as being a night flight not a big deal,
    on my return yesterday from Sing on SQ16, the service actually between Sing and Seoul was even worse, no mention of name again and during the meal service I asked for a coke during the passing out of meals , never came and actually had to ask twice before I received it.
    Also the crew was gathered in the galley for most of the flight talking, hardly ever saw cabin staff in the cabin.
    The flight from seoul-sfo was a little better, but definite a drop in inflight service, seems like they are falling back into basic service and the balance of the time hanging out in the galley.
    also noticed that the reserve pilots were hanging out in First class instead of business like they use to.

    As I have mostly switched my flying , I noticed a definite drop in service,
    that we wre receiving just the basic service, like other airlines.

    just curious if others have seen the same


  • #2
    Judging by your criteria for what constitutes a "drop in service", SQ's service has been dropping at least since 2003.


    • #3
      drop in service

      I had skipped some of their earlier drops as it was not in cabin service,
      such as eliminating for Solitaire members in the USA,
      xmas, chinese new years, easter and birthday gifts, annual Xmas party
      that were eliminated over the years in cost cutting, then doubling the redemption milage out of the USA to just name a few of the cost cutting.
      I had found that the cabin service was always very good, but since I have switched most of my business to Cathay, Emirates and Qatar, that they have stepped up their cabin service and Singapore has dropped back where I would no longer rate them the best, I would say they are around 3 or 4 in the world at best , as I found the other airlines looked at the standard Singapore had set and then went to match or better their offerings while Singapore, has tried to cut costs and lower theirs.

      I would like to know the latest CEO background, as I would bet it is from accounting, as everything seems to be considered by a cost basis and living off their past glory.



      • #4
        Not noticed anything specific, but I have seen a few recent posts from people seemingly sponsored for promoting airline(s) from the sand pit(s).


        • #5
          I personally have complaint to the cabin crew on several occassion, their inflight meal service is really going down the drain, I was travelling from London/Singapore via SQ321, their main course was served in a aluminium foil container, and it really look like the "Dog food" and the portion is really very little, hardly able to fill the tummy.

          Wondering why can't they bring back the porcelaine tray they used to have for containing the food instead of that aluminium foil box, they really put that SQ brand so "CHEAP"!


          • #6
            Originally posted by jasonahl View Post
            I personally have complaint to the cabin crew on several occassion, their inflight meal service is really going down the drain, I was travelling from London/Singapore via SQ321, their main course was served in a aluminium foil container, and it really look like the "Dog food" and the portion is really very little, hardly able to fill the tummy.

            Wondering why can't they bring back the porcelaine tray they used to have for containing the food instead of that aluminium foil box, they really put that SQ brand so "CHEAP"!
            That's why I began to fill my stomach at Green Market in T2. I quite like the food there.


            • #7
              Originally posted by motodave View Post
              I had skipped some of their earlier drops as it was not in cabin service,
              such as eliminating for Solitaire members in the USA,
              xmas, chinese new years, easter and birthday gifts, annual Xmas party
              that were eliminated over the years in cost cutting, then doubling the redemption milage out of the USA to just name a few of the cost cutting.
              I had found that the cabin service was always very good, but since I have switched most of my business to Cathay, Emirates and Qatar, that they have stepped up their cabin service and Singapore has dropped back where I would no longer rate them the best, I would say they are around 3 or 4 in the world at best , as I found the other airlines looked at the standard Singapore had set and then went to match or better their offerings while Singapore, has tried to cut costs and lower theirs.

              I would like to know the latest CEO background, as I would bet it is from accounting, as everything seems to be considered by a cost basis and living off their past glory.

              Master of Science degree in Computer Science & Electrical Engineering

              Three Bachelor of Science degrees, in Computer Science & Engineering, Management Science and Cognitive Science

              All from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology


              • #8
                Originally posted by Megatop View Post
                Master of Science degree in Computer Science & Electrical Engineering

                Three Bachelor of Science degrees, in Computer Science & Engineering, Management Science and Cognitive Science

                All from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                And how long did he take to realise that the S$13 billion dollar listed enterprise he is purportedly CEO of didn't have a working website???


                • #9
                  i dunno why threads after threads appear, complaining of SQ slipping.

                  Another one also on FT. isn't it easier just to take our money elsewhere.

                  I heard cathay still have cup noodles and they are not stingy with inflight bar food. Or if, no money, just take jetstar.

                  Must be the alignment of the moons.

                  sorry for the bad grammar. i don't type very well after 5 glasses of cloudy bay.


                  • #10
                    not a shill

                    I am not a shill for other airlines, I have flown SQ for over 25 years and over 21 as a Solitaire member, so lets say I have invested a lot of revenue and time on the product and really hate to see it decline.
                    As to the CEO, lets just say book smarts doesnot equal street smarts,
                    an old saying was ignorance and superstition will master skill and science.
                    The problem is instead of getting someone from a service industry you have a person with multiples degrees in science running an airline.
                    For example Apple turned over the reins to a person when Jobs retired the first time, who was an executive of I believe it was Pepsi, had no idea of a computer comapny and almost bankrupted APPLE and Steve Jobs had to come back and run the company and brought it to one of the largest companies in the world.He had book smarts but not how to run a computer company, his ideas work great for soda not computers.
                    Most major USA companies were founded by people who had street smarts, usually people with book smarts work on theories that work in a text book but not the real world, just take our current financial mess in America, the Congress and the President have theories and thrown money down a hole, but in a text book should work but doesnt in the real world.

                    In the case of SQ his actions the CEO probably should work, like the mess in the website and not really solving the problem, as us passengers will work around it, dont worry.

                    I have taken most of my business to other carriers , and only fly SQ when I have to with no other choice.

                    I think the CEO should go back to MIT and take a Master or PHD in Customer Service, as his in computer science didnot seem to work to go(the website).

                    To the CEO a little hint YOU ARE IN A SERVICE BUSINESS WORK ON THAT



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by milehighj View Post
                      And how long did he take to realise that the S$13 billion dollar listed enterprise he is purportedly CEO of didn't have a working website???
                      If he explains his situations to MIT, he might be entitled to get refund of his tuition fee


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by RHG View Post
                        i don't type very well after 5 glasses of cloudy bay.
                        Ah! That'd be the 40-buck-a-bottle stuff they serve in the "Class Beyond First"...?


                        • #13
                          Extremely drop in cabin service for over the last 10 years (wonder is the useless training manager ?); coupled with cheap offerings (eg.. toilets don't even have proper paper towers - everything just looks basic considered to what was offered in the past, lousy lounges except for Singapore). Just lost my PPS status as not flying so much with SQ (sad to say even though I want to) and even Garuda, an airline that I would have never considered flying on, is improving by leaps and bounce.


                          • #14
                            Borrow one comment made with one of our minister - our service standard did not drop, is other (country) improved and therefore it looks bad on us !!


                            • #15
                              Open Forum or not?

                              Originally posted by MAN Flyer View Post
                              Not noticed anything specific, but I have seen a few recent posts from people seemingly sponsored for promoting airline(s) from the sand pit(s).
                              Isn't that a bit of a cheap shot, flyer who is not from MAN? Surely as such a wise and omnipotent one, you should either expose a poster, should you have evidence, which would, of course, expose you also, OR allow folks to opine freely. Inuendo is very sad.
                              Round the Moon. And Back

