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Here Comes the 'New' Firefly!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by SliverKris View Post
    Apparently FY is facing some problem to set up an Indonesian branch (as expected, you know la how Indonesia kan, always...).

    Allow me to translate the news article above.

    Dua Wanita Ini Akan Dirikan Maskapai
    These 2 women will set up an airline

    JAKARTA, - Dua wanita pengusaha asal Medan, Sumatera Utara,berusaha membangun maskapai penerbangan di Indonesia. Meski demikian, asal usul dana mereka masih diperiksa oleh pihak berwenang.
    2 women from Medan, North Sumatera is setting up an airline in Indonesia. However, their fund is currently being investigated by the authorities.

    Kedua wanita yang terdaftar di Kementerian Perhubungan sedang mengusulkan berdirinya maskapai Aero One tersebut adalah Marry dan Mistina Yusuf. Keduanya akan memiliki sebanyak 51 persen saham AeroOne.
    The women, who registered their airline - Aero One - at the Ministry of Transportation are Marry & Mistina Yusuf. Both will hold 51% shares in AeroOne cumulatively.

    Sementara sebanyak 49 persen lainnya dimiliki oleh Firefly Sdn Bhd, maskapai penerbangan asal Malaysia yang juga anak usaha dari Malaysia Airlines. Mereka saat ini sedang mengajukan penerbitan surat izin usaha penerbangan (SIUP) angkutan udara niaga tidak berjadwal.
    While the other 49% will be held by Firefly, a subsidiary of Malaysia Airlines. Currently, they are working on the permit for non schedule air transport service.

    Marry dan Mistina maju sebagai pemilik saham terbanyak Aero One, setelah sebelumnya Firefly gagal mendirikan Firefly Indonesia.
    Marry & Mistina came forward as the majority share holder of AeroOne after Firefly failed to set up Firefly Indonesia earlier on.

    Selain kepemilikan saham yang masih seimbang yaitu 50:50, pemerintah enggan lagi memberikan izin maskapai asing masuk keIndonesia dengan nama lamanya. Sesuai dengan aturan yang ada, untuk mendirikan maskapai baru, investor asing hanya boleh menguasai sebanyak maksimal 49 persen saja.
    The Indonesian government does not allow foreign airlines to set up a 50:50 joint venture, as well as to use its original name (Firefly). Current regulation allows for a maximum of 49% shareholding by foreign airlines.

    Sementara mayoritas saham harus dikuasai oleh pemodal lokal. Permintaan SIUP tersebut dikembalikan lagi ke pemilik dan selain diminta agar kepemilikan saham mayoritas investor lokal, namanya juga diminta untuk diganti dengan nama lain.
    The majority of the shares have to be hold by a local partner. The authority also requested for the name of the airline (Firefly) to be changed.

    Terhitung, sejak awal 2010 lalu calon maskapai ini telah dua kali mengusulkan SIUP yaitu pada Februari dan Agustus, namun selalu ditolak oleh Kementerian Perhubungan dengan alasan belum memenuhi persyaratan dan belum mengajukan rencana bisnis ke depan.
    Firefly has submitted 2 applications since early 2010 to set up an airline in Indonesia (in February & August) but both were rejected by the Ministry of Transportation because of non compliance issue and has yet to submit its business proposal.

    "Pada 1 Desember lalu, mereka mengajukan lagi dan saat ini masih dievaluasi oleh Kemenhub," kata Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Herry Bakti Singayudha Gumay di Jakarta.
    On 1 Dec, they submitted yet another application (their 3rd) and currently it is being evaluated by the Ministry of Transportation.

    Saat ini, asal usul modal Marry dan Mistina sedang diperiksa di Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK). Pemerintah masih ingin yakin kalau kedua wanita tersebut membentuk Aero One bersama Firefly dengan dana dari masing-masing pihak.
    At the moment, the source of the fund of Marry & Mistina is being investigated by PPATK. The authority is doubt that the women are not using their own money to set up Aero One with Firefly.

    Yang sangat dihindari pemerintah adalah bila dana investasi Marry dan Mistina tersebut sebenarnya dari Firefly sehingga sebenarnya maskapai asal Malaysia itu yang menguasai Aero One.
    The authority worries that the fund that Marry & Mistina claim as theirs are actually originated from Firefly which would like to have full control of Aero One.
    Im not surprised, considering the worsening Malaysia-Indonesia relations. Frankly, I think FY should focus on building its own network before starting a new subsidiary.


    • #47
      I think MH (through FY) is feeling the pressure of AK's successful venture in Indonesia and that they want it too. And everyone knows that Indonesia is an emerging market that has to be conquered one way or another. I just hope FY wont end up paying a high price for nothing (as in the case of Astro and Kulim Plantations failed ventures in Indonesia) or need to pay an extreme premium just to secure its footing in Indonesia (as in the acquisition of Bank Internasional Indonesia BII by Maybank).


      • #48
        Argh. Jessica's FY3522 from sin to szb retimed. Flight out earlier this afternoon was on time though.


        • #49
          LOL, that's right now... hopefully delayed departures aren't a common FY occurrence. I'm flying on them during CNY and any delay will potentially cause an un-united re-union dinner


          • #50
            Originally posted by Kyo View Post
            LOL, that's right now... hopefully delayed departures aren't a common FY occurrence. I'm flying on them during CNY and any delay will potentially cause an un-united re-union dinner
            Yankee golf just showed up.

            They aren't shutting down the no 2 engine. I think it means they wann do a quick turn.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Kyo View Post
              LOL, that's right now... hopefully delayed departures aren't a common FY occurrence. I'm flying on them during CNY and any delay will potentially cause an un-united re-union dinner
              Which sector are you flying? There are some extra flights they squeeze in that have more potential getting delayed


              • #52
                Oh they've shut down the engine after all..... Lol


                • #53
                  Originally posted by SilverChris View Post
                  Which sector are you flying? There are some extra flights they squeeze in that have more potential getting delayed
                  OMG, you don't know? Chuck Norris +++ is flying SIN-SZB then SZB-PEN for CNY.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by SliverKris View Post
                    OMG, you don't know? Chuck Norris +++ is flying SIN-SZB then SZB-PEN for CNY.
                    How dare you insinuate that Chuck Norris++++++ would stoop that low as to fly anything less than a two-headed eagle!

                    Or more practically, in his own Concorde to PEN! Without transits!


                    • #55
                      Maybe Chuck Norris +++++++++ would like to see in person the newly unveiled Firefly Girls and FireMen in their new uniform. This leakage is so exclusive it was just revealed on MalaysianWings a couple of minutes ago and has yet to reach the Malaysian press.

                      Apparently FY secretly revealing a new uniform and jeng jeng jeng... its *FireMen!

                      NEW LOOK: Faisol Abdullah, designer and chief executive officer of Jendela KL, poses with models wearing the new range of attire for Firefly cabin crew which was unveiled at a fashion show extravaganza at Holiday Inn KL. Pix by Amirudin Sahib.

                      *FireMen = FY's male cabin crew.

                      Special thanks to my newly set up Firefly Wikileaks Branch for leaking this news to us all.
                      FYI, Firefly has never had a male cabin crew before.


                      • #56
                        Goodness me, what with FireMen and all, the next thing we know, there'll be Flyergir-*oops, too used to saying that* Firegirls flying around and whatnot!


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by SilverChris View Post
                          Im not surprised, considering the worsening Malaysia-Indonesia relations. Frankly, I think FY should focus on building its own network before starting a new subsidiary.
                          It could also be that the government is bound by law to make sure that Aero One is not 100% made up of foreign fund. The law (that was passed not long after Indonesia Air Asia was set up) is clear that foreign company can only own up to 49% of any airlines in Indonesia and that no airline can operate under its original foreign entity name.

                          Should the funding issue become something of an oversight for the government, the related minister will surely be summoned to the parliament for some very brute questioning sessions. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how one looks at it, Indonesia's parliament is no longer a rubber stamp institution that it once was during the Soeharto's era. Those lawmakers now are true chauvinists.

                          Well, I do hope FY can be successful at setting up a subsidiary in Indonesia. Since they can't call it Firefly, maybe they will call it Ladybug. Tidak ada Kunang Kunang, Kumbang pun jadi lah... Who knows?


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by UMD View Post
                            Well, I do hope FY can be successful at setting up a subsidiary in Indonesia. Since they can't call it Firefly, maybe they will call it Ladybug. Tidak ada Kunang Kunang, Kumbang pun jadi lah... Who knows?
                            LOLOLOLOL! So 'Semut' for the future Thai Firefly and 'Cengkerik' for Vietnam Firefly are possible then.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by SliverKris View Post
                              Maybe Chuck Norris +++++++++ would like to see in person the newly unveiled Firefly Girls and FireMen in their new uniform. This leakage is so exclusive it was just revealed on MalaysianWings a couple of minutes ago and has yet to reach the Malaysian press.

                              FYI, Firefly has never had a male cabin crew before.
                              I don't know why but the color of the uniforms reminds me of those worn by Virgin Blue and maybe Philippines Airlines crews. Not bad at all.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by SliverKris View Post
                                LOLOLOLOL! So 'Semut' for the future Thai Firefly and 'Cengkerik' for Vietnam Firefly are possible then.
                                My insect can fly. Yours can only crawl and hop so I don't think they are possible.

                                On the other hand, "Fruit Fly" and "Mosquito" maybe possible albeit not as cute a name as Firefly and Ladybug?

