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SQFG scoop:what really happens inside OpenTTD games (SQ J vs CX Olympus J)

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  • SQFG scoop:what really happens inside OpenTTD games (SQ J vs CX Olympus J)

    Dedicated to: 1) Taipeiflyer for the help

    2) All OpenTTD fans on SQTalk

    Anyone familiar with Transport tycoon the game? Perhaps you might have also played this then: - originally by Chris Sawyer - a group of people took this open source game and really improved it. I'm a fan.

    So one fine day, I thought I might actually dive into the program, you know, ala Tron - and see how the thing actually worked. Here's my findings:

    A simple two leg trip from

    Singapore Changi

    to Taipei

    and on to Hong Kong the next day

    Naturally, in my imaginary airline, I thought i'd use SQ and CX

    I've selected an Airbus A330 for the first leg. (Yeah, the icon looks like an A380, that's cause it is, but you'll forgive me this i hope ). I've even made up an imaginary registration 9V-STF and we're operating SQ878 today.

    I'm settled in my imaginary seat at the imaginary gate A15 at Terminal 3.
    A quick peek out the starboard window and there's an imaginary 777-200 going somewhere else.

    We taxi out to 02C. I snap a few pics of the imaginary taxiways. Always nice and sunny in openTTD land!

  • #2
    And we're off!

    On my imaginary A330 today, it's a flying time of 4 hours 5 minutes.

    Time for a movie: (yeah I'm a fan of the eclectic)

    And maybe even an imaginary meal:

    We start with imaginary satay:

    Followed by this rather nice salmon appetizer

    And for an imaginary nasi lemak - this tasted VERY good. I really liked the presentation. Rather amazing considering it's not real.

    But this one takes the cake: I had 2 - Rum and Raisin Ice Cream. Nowadays, this airline does thaw the ice cream out a bit before serving. I remember the days when it used to come out rock hard.


    • #3
      After the meal, we get a chance to see this imaginary Cabin. I'd say for a regional J seat, it's really rather nice.

      in row 11, i'd say legroom was more than adequate

      Now here's a first. An imaginary SQFG tm original leg shot

      A tad tighter in the intermediate rows: still 60 inches of pitch though

      Overall, still a rather nice cabin to be in:


      • #4
        You see, even though for those familiar with the game - you'll see planes flying in only 45 degree angles and straight lines. Well, here's the proof.

        Soon enough - it's time to land.

        Regular fans of the game will see this:

        When looking through the code, I find this instead.

        And we've arrived in Taipei Taoyuan airport! Here's us taxiing in. Nice selection of planes on arrival.


        • #5
          I of course imagine myself clearing CIQ and heading to the bus stop. Taxis are upwards of NT1200, whilst the bus is only NT90 or so.

          Taipeiflyer's told me that route 33 by is the best way to get to the Sheraton Taipei (Shandao Temple stop - right next to the hotel) - so pay the 90NT and climb aboard!

          This bus route however, does pass through Taoyuan town, so it becomes rather lengthy

          Cabin shot of this imaginary bus:

          Taoyuan's a quaint town though

          But at least, i see something familiar! Family Mart - my favourite chain in Taiwan and Korea

          Legroom on the bus is pretty alright too

          After about 45 minutes messing about in Taoyuan (traffic was pretty awful) - it's time to head to the freeway. Yep - that's where i want to go! Taipei!


          • #6
            Another 45 minutes later, I'm at the stop: (phew)

            The Lai Lai sheraton is a pretty decent hotel. Nice and comfy, and not very far from most things. An excellent recommendation from Taipeiflyer.

            After a quick bite to eat near the hotel: (I had the extra beef bowl)......

  's lights out..... another day of travel in OpenTTD land tomorrow!

            Next up: This time, the imaginary continuation on CX407 TPE-HKG


            • #7
              The airports are not THAT close to the cities! And what were you doing at the Sheraton?! Westin is the choice of SQT.
              HUGE AL


              • #8
                Whatever you're smoking in Lombok.. I like!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by HUGE AL View Post
                  The airports are not THAT close to the cities! And what were you doing at the Sheraton?! Westin is the choice of SQT.
                  Spoilsport Anyway, I kinda liked the Sheraton. Our very own Taipeiflyer recommended it to me and it fitted me perfectly Will look up the Westin for the next one

                  Originally posted by 9V-SIA View Post
                  Whatever you're smoking in Lombok.. I like!!
                  Back already. But on a side note - Lombok grows a very nice crop of tobacco (from what some experts tell me). I'll have to take their word for it

                  Yeah, but amazing what a bit of weed can do for the imagination eh? Even up to the point of visualizing an imaginary trip


                  • #10
                    The next day, it's up well before the crack of dawn to catch the 440am Route 33 bus back to Taipei Airport.

                    We check in at the not so new Terminal 1. We're on B-HLP today, an Olympus Equipped 330-300 (33B code) for our flight CX 407 to HKG

                    A quick visit to the deserted CX imaginary lounge

                    Which gives me time for an imaginary bowl of beef noodles from the noodle bar

                    The flight's light - and we push back well before the 0805 STD.

                    Rather interesting selection of birds. CX had 4-5 frames overnighting here. (my bird, this 777 in view, a 330 that left earlier and another 777 out of shot)

                    Takes forever to wait our turn though as traffic's pretty busy. I manage a shot of this imaginary BR 330 departing


                    • #11
                      We do manage to get off the ground after a lengthy wait

                      Some cabin shots. The Olympus J seating on the 333 is 3 abreast, as opposed to the 4 abreast on the 77W.

                      I select a seat on the right hand side as there's a divider (access to the aisle from the center seat is to the left). gives a bit of privacy i think.

                      Ottoman-ish shot

                      Ottoman with Genuine article SQFG foot shot

                      Control panel

                      Only 1:13 to go. Flight time was only 1:30 all up.

                      No time for a full length movie then. By default.. it's Homer time!


                      • #12
                        It's breakkie time

                        Bowl of noodles in the lounge aside, I'm still pretty hungry.

                        Set up

                        Half eaten croissant and the hot breakfast tray. I kinda liked the baked eggs. Yummy.

                        CX does this really nice Change for Good program. I think it's great - you empty your loose change into a packet and the crew come and collect it later.


                        • #13
                          For a very short flight, it's hard to get comfy and settled in. But here we are in HKG ! (in openTTD land of course)

                          Of course, even in OpenTTD land, CX rules here

                          A quick ride on the Hong Kong express train - and we'll be in Kowloon. But first, a stop in Tsing Yi station along the way!

                          Ah Hong Kong... this can only be the Fragrant Harbour

                          After such a tiring imaginary trip...... it's time for a walk up Nathan Road from the Intercontinental Grand Stanford.

                          straight to my favourite Wanton noodle sidestreet shop for a bowl of REAL noodles

                          And there you have it boys and girls. This is what REALLY happens inside an OpenTTD game. So the next time you're playing and building routes with your Buses, Planes and Trains, put more serious thought into it - after all, it's not just bits and bytes going on in a computer as I've demonstrated


                          • #14
                            I've never imagined that such an imaginary trip can be so un-imaginary bloody enjoyable....

                            Originally posted by SQflyergirl View Post

                            Now here's a first. An imaginary SQFG tm original leg shot

                            Originally posted by SQflyergirl View Post

                            Legroom on the bus is pretty alright too

                            Now that's new....
                            Never before saw an imaginary SQFGtm shoot with SKIRT....
                            Make my imagination imaginatively playing around...

                            Great great great imaginary trip story...

                            Btw, did the kids read this story??


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SQflyergirl View Post

                              Now here's a first. An imaginary SQFG tm original leg shot
                              Nice legs! One of the sexier SQFG leg shots I must say! (we should create a nosebleed emoticon for this)

                              Looking forward to the rest of your TR.

