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Nickbots visit SE Asia on SK, LH, EK, TG and (last but not least!) SQ

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  • One of the best TR I have ever read -Is there more to come?


    • TG Y KKC-DMK

      Thai, flight No. TG 1041 [KKC-DMK]
      Dep. 07:50, Arr. 08:45
      Boeing 737-400
      Y Class, Seats 48A/B

      When we arrived at the airport, check-in was open, so we got rid of our bags before sitting down for a coffee with our friends in one of the gift shops -a pattern was emerging here, as I noticed for the second time that my BD number wasn't noted on my BP (whilst mrs nickbot's BP showed hers clearly) -yes, not many miles to earn from these short hops, but every little helps! This resulted in much confusion with the check-in agent, because I don't yet have a BD card,...she didn't seem to understand that it was a BD number that I wanted putting on my booking and not a TG ROP. The same thing had happened at DMK a few days earlier, and was to be repeated for all four of our TG flights, despite the fact that I entered our FF numbers into the system when making the booking. No big drama, but glad I spotted it at this stage rather than having to try a retro-active claim.

      Time was ticking on, and our friends had to go to work, so we said our goodbyes and proceeded through security into the departures hall. It was now around 07:25, so we literally had only 5 minutes before boarding commenced -we couldn't have made use of the Thai lounge even if we'd had the necessary status to have been allowed to due to the time (I did sniff out the free WiFi momentarily however!). As previously described, KKC is a pretty tiny airport, so I had time to take a few shots:

      Departures hall, view seen straight after passing through security

      View to the LHS from the same point, showing various gift shops

      View straight ahead after passing through security, entrance to the TG lounge (will try to dig out some old photos of the interior)

      No sooner than I had taken the previous photograph, we could see through the glass doors that boarding had commenced, so we made our way to the gate!

      Compulsory pre-boarding view of the aircraft

      Quick cockpit shot immediately prior to boarding

      Somehow, despite our normally strict policy of alternating on who sits beside the window, I had managed to snag 48A from my seat partner (probably a tactical move by mrs nickbot, so she could admire the scenery as we arrived in HKT later that morning!) From my seat, I was able to see the multi-storey carpark that adjoins the main terminal building, from which our friends and their young son were waiting to wave us off. I rang my friend and said we could see him, so it was nice to have yet another farewell before we departed.

      View of our send-off party

      As we had been passing through security a few minutes earlier, we'd heard an extremely loud aircraft passing over, which turned out to be a military flight -I managed to take a quick photograph of this as we pushed back and turned around (a Hercules I think)

      4 prop military aircraft (sorry no zoom!)

      Once again, with such a short flight time of only 55 minutes, inflight service started promptly after our timely take-off and was extremely efficient. I'm sure it doesn't take too much imagination to guess at what we were served as a snack...

      Yes, the famous mucous filled pastry makes a second appearance!

      On approach into DMK

      Nearly there...

      ...and touchdown!

      About to come to a stop next to Gate 62, from which we had departed a few days earlier

      Once again, this was a quick, efficient, cheap and pleasant flight with no complaints whatsoever.


      • TG Y DMK-HKT Part I -DMK Domestic lounge

        As we had a connection time of two hours before our flight down to Phuket, we started having a little wander around the terminal and ended up close to the TG domestic lounge (to the RHS of the check-in desks), so I popped in and asked the ladies on reception if it would be possible to pay for access; they said it was indeed possible, for a (IIRC) THB 500 per person fee (about £7.50). We decided that it was probably worth paying as there isn't a great deal else to do in the terminal, so were soon both heading into the lounge.

        Domestic lounge entrance

        Whilst being a fairly basic lounge as many of you will know, it's more than adequate and still miles better than sitting waiting in the communal areas. We were able to have a quick bite to eat, a few Cokes and use the internet PCs (rejuvenated since our last visit in 2006) and WiFi, so we were pretty happy.

        Catching up with an internet fix after a drought of 4 days!

        Overview of computer area

        Seating in the main lounge room (Internet PCs behind camera)

        Views of seating area in the second room

        All important tarmac view from the main lounge room (our incoming aircraft is the second TG tailfin on the left, note Nok Air planes to the RHS)

        As with all of the TG lounges I've visited (ok, can count those on about three fingers ), lounge staff were extremely/over efficient, certainly around the food and beverage areas, so I had to make one or two stealthy visits in order to take photographs!

        Food area

        Closer view of fairly spartan food offerings

        Equally spartan beverage area


        When one leaves the lounge to go to the gates, there's a seperate corridor that takes you effectively behind the check-in desks and brings you out into the area just before passport control. From there, you pass through security and enter the gate area.

        Doorway from lounge towards the departure gates

        We were quite happy with our decision to pay for lounge access -I'm not sure if other TG lounges allow this, but I'd certainly consider this again, as for a non-status flyer and extremely infrequent visitor to airline lounges it can often be a treat to get away from the main terminal area. As described above, we proceeded from the lounge towards the gates in order to catch our 10:40 flight to Phuket and start the beach/chill-out component of our trip!
        Last edited by nickbot; 14 August 2008, 08:46 PM.


        • TG Y DMK-HKT Part II -Boarding and in-flight

          Thai, flight No. TG 1205 [DMK-HKT]
          Dep. 10:40, Arr. 12:00
          Airbus A300-600
          Y Class, Seats 37J/K

          We were slightly delayed in boarding, so we could've stayed in the lounge for a little while longer, but this was made up for with a spot of people watching, namely two categories of pax that caught our eye:
          1. Older, fatter European men with younger, thinner, Thai ladies (always pretty high volume on the HKT flights, but also on Isaan bound routes )
          2. Pax wielding BPs and asking to board before the gate had opened (we were standing next to the desk and saw about 6 different incidences of this type,...why do they think everyone else is waiting patiently for the announcement?!?)

          Finally, the boarding call was announced and we made our way down onto the aircraft; previously when we travelled this route in J in 2006 we had a pretty much brand new aircraft with new J class seats (a lucky score, but only for a 1 hour 20 minute flight!) I think the selection of aircraft depolyed on this route can be pretty variable, so one might strike it lucky.

          Our aircraft waiting for us at gate 68

          View from row 37 during safety video, 2-4-2 seating in Y and J class through the curtains

          mrs nickbot languishing in her window seat

          Airbus A300-600, check!

          (very white) legroom shot

          Lining up for take off

          Airborne, with (I presume) view of the Chao Phraya river

          Ahhh, the (in)famous Thai box meal,...I wonder what delights are within?

          ...a pleasant surprise! Some kind of fruit filled cake!

          In my quest to document all lavatorial facilities on this trip (!), what update would be complete without an aircraft lavatory shot?!

          Fairly sparse facilities, plus nickbot's toned elbow and finely (un)toned waist

          Towards the end of the flight, one of the FAs was having a conversation with a French couple sat immediately behind us who were also cabin crew (for Air France I'm presuming). I was able to listen into their chats about different working conditions etc. and comments about the Thai A340-500s -I think the man might actually have been flight crew, as he knew a lot about the aircraft. It was most interesting to hear professionals from two different airlines talking shop.
          Last edited by nickbot; 14 August 2008, 09:46 PM.


          • TG Y DMK-HKT Part III -Approach and arrival

            As we approached Phuket, it seemed that the run of dry weather that we'd been experiencing so far in Thailand (and indeed during the trip as a whole up to this point) would soon be broken; I suppose it's only to be expected when travelling closer to the equator, and at our arrival time of midday too!

            Clouds on approach into HKT

            View of small islands, unfortunately somewhat obscured

            The approach and landing were somewhat bumpy, as the weather was getting a little blustery at this point. For those that know me, I'm no great fan of turbulence, but as least I had a barometer in the shape of two AF cabin crew behind me -if they weren't worried, then neither should I be!

            Quick (and blurry!) shot of the end of HKT runway,...don't go overshooting now!

            Taxiing to the gate

            So, three TG internal flights down, one more to go (after a period of beach holiday) before we enter pure SQ territory,...hope I can keep your interest going
            Last edited by nickbot; 14 August 2008, 09:53 PM.


            • Originally posted by nickbot View Post
              No sooner than I had taken the previous photograph, we could see through the glass doors that boarding had commenced, so we made our way to the gate!
              Sorry, which gate number?
              Originally posted by nickbot View Post
              Quick cockpit shot immediately prior to boarding

              Your pilot looks very friendly. Land of Smiles indeed.

              Great updates, nickbot.
              ‘Lean into the sharp points’


              • Originally posted by jjpb3 View Post
                Sorry, which gate number?
                Eek, sorry I forgot, will have to go back through my boarding pass stubs to check!

                Originally posted by jjpb3
                Your pilot looks very friendly. Land of Smiles indeed.
                Indeed,...I thought for a moment we had SpongeBob as a pilot when I first saw the windowshade -I wonder if it's standard Boeing issue?!

                Originally posted by jjpb3
                Great updates, nickbot.
                Thanks jjpb3, post #227 also updated now


                • EDIT Post #229 populated now -thank you for your patience


                  • EDIT Post #208 populated now -thank you for your patience, nickbot!
                    HUGE AL


                    • Hey - awaiting the best part (SIA) --


                      • Originally posted by HUGE AL View Post
                        Was it this one:

                        Gosh, I can't remember,...but thinking back I'm sure I would've recognised Elemis, so I reckon it must've been another "no name" brand.

                        Sorry for the slight hiatus to the trip report, have been feeling a bit low for the past few days and as such I took a little break from the SQTalk that we all know and love. Glad to be back, and hope to serve up some more installments in the near future


                        • Sorry to hear, hope you're back to your usual upbeat self, mate..


                          • Originally posted by nickbot View Post
                            Sorry for the slight hiatus to the trip report, have been feeling a bit low for the past few days and as such I took a little break from the SQTalk that we all know and love. Glad to be back, and hope to serve up some more installments in the near future
                            Sorry to hear that mate. Could it be that these crazy SQTalk fiends who have been on your back relentlessly to post your TRs have something to do with your burnout? Well, you just take the next couple of hours off and then GET RIGHT BACK TO WORK!! Just kidding, you've kept us all marvelously entertained with your brillantly funny TRs so take your time. Hope it isnt (wasn't) anything too serious.


                            • Perhaps the lingering effects of all that strange food you ate during the trip. Now what was it that was filled with mucus? Then again perhaps the horseradish strikes again.


                              • Originally posted by Paint Horse View Post
                                Perhaps the lingering effects of all that strange food you ate during the trip. Now what was it that was filled with mucus? .
                                Methinks it was the snot-filled pastry that did nickbot in!

