This is a market, close to Las Ramblas, which has both fresh produce and seafood, as well as several notable eating outlets, some open for breakfast.
Our first stop was Pinotxo Bar, whose long bar counter was already full when we arrived...

A huge menu was available for breakfast. None of this "continental breakfast" nonsense that airlines (and some hotels) try to pass off as adequate for a morning meal. Apart from pastries and bread, there was a huge selection of meat and seafood dishes to choose from, all arrayed in a long glass counter along the bar...

...and like so many notable restaurants, this establishment had a face to it...Mr Juanito Bayen, the warm and friendly proprietor, who was manning the expresso machine on both occasions we ate there.

He warmly welcomed us and showed us to our seats, right across from where he prepared deliciously looking latte's and cappucino's...

The first time we were there, we asked him for recommendations for what to eat...their speciality was delicious Xuxo's (Pronounced "Choo cho's"), soft, crumbly pastries with creamy custard filling...

...we ate Spanish omelette and bread with rubbed tomato...

...and a plate of fragrant, spiced, chickpeas...

...but that was just the tip of the iceberg, looking around us, other diners were indulging in many other delicacies, including octopus, and a meat dish in gravy...those looked delicious! What was it? We returned a few days later to find out, this time starting with tender baby squid and beans...

..and this next dish, an amazing plate of stewed beef cheeks...

"...that's not fat...those are cheeks, collagen...good for smooth skin...", one of Mr Bayen's assistants said as he placed the platter in front of us, gesturing towards his cheeks to get the message across. He obviously was keen to ensure we ate it all, and we did!

...despite speaking almost no English, Mr Bayen was a very warm host and seemingly made it his personal goal to ensure that Mrs yflyer and I (as well as everyone else along the counter) had a great time there!
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