HUGE AL’s thoughts and lessons since joining this great community:
- You will meet some of the kindest people in the world on this Board. Many who will go on to be friends for a lifetime.
- That said, there are also a lot of tools on here that enjoy flaming people and/or talking about how many posts they have on TOF and/or how they are experts on the premium cabins, only for you to see them later just posting about whY – which basically means they are simply KJs.
- There are also CRAZY people on here.
- You think you know quite a bit about flying…until you read this Board. And even then, you’ll always still be learning.
- KeithMEL’s true love is not a person, but the W brand.
- Inaugural threads are filled with tons of great information.
- F is F. It is better than C, which is better than whY.
- Kyo didn’t know how to get from SIN to VIE. He has since evolved into Kyo+ and is contemplating entering competitive eating competitions.
- If you can’t name your “source” of a rumor, it’s not a rumor, just crap.
- If your friend’s face is blowing up like Hitch, get him to the emergency room as quickly as possible.
- Before your first post, take some time to read as much as possible. Chances are, your question has been asked and answered – sometimes many times over.
- Be specific in the titles of your threads, as well as the pertinent information regarding any questions you might have. It will help the thought leadership in helping you.
- When addressing people’s questions, sometimes it’s perplexing to guess their gender based on their username.
- There is a reason for Stickies. Read them! Especially the one on how to search since vBulletin’s feature is incredibly weak.
- Utilizing said Google search, look far and wide for an already existing thread to tack your question onto as it will help others in the future by having all the info in one place. If, after a long search, you still come up empty handed, feel free to start a new thread.
- The DSLR Thread is humorously full of false assumptions.
- Kyo+ likes to use bad English in the form of the word, “Ain’t.”
- Stock up on BKK Fast Track Cards – you never know when you’ll need them.
- The online world is still the unknown frontier fraught with perils abound (as well as corresponding characters).
- Don’t get too caught up in the game of miles and points. It’s time consuming and in the end, you won’t be living life as much as you should.