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Mobile Phones - What Are You Currently Using?

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  • #91
    Originally posted by StarG View Post
    Anyway I usually travel with 3 phones: 2 home cell numbers and 1 local number.
    Why 2 home cell numbers ? One for each ear ?


    • #92
      Hello, this is my first post haha =p

      I currently use a Nokia N95.


      • #93
        Welcome to SQTalk, Crevette St.Jean.


        • #94
          A very warm welcome to you, Crevette St.Jean!
          All opinions shared are my own, and are not necessarily those of my employer or any other organisation of which I'm affiliated to.


          • #95
            One for when i need to be disturbed by people I don't want to be disturbing me. The other one for the rest.

            WSSS: by local number I meant a prepaid card i buy locally.


            • #96
              Originally posted by StarG View Post
              One for when i need to be disturbed by people I don't want to be disturbing me. The other one for the rest.
              In which category do you put those pesky SQTalkers who text you as they're having a Do somewhere?
              ‘Lean into the sharp points’


              • #97
                Originally posted by jhm View Post
                Why 2 home cell numbers ? One for each ear ?
                Ah, but there are several of us around here who have more than two phones on a regular basis.


                • #98
                  Welcome to SQ Talk, Crevette St.Jean!
                  One more N95 user!


                  • #99
                    One thing that annoys me most of the N95 is how easily it goes out of the 'locked' status since it slides two ways.


                    • Originally posted by StarG View Post
                      One thing that annoys me most of the N95 is how easily it goes out of the 'locked' status since it slides two ways.
                      Yeah, that is why i set the autolock to the minimum.


                      • Originally posted by SuperJonJon View Post
                        Yeah, that is why i set the autolock to the minimum.
                        But problem is when it slides out then doesn't slide back in to autolock. Any solution to this?
                        Like permanent autolock (not autolock release when slide is opened) or something? I have accidentally called way too many people with the phone in my jeans pocket.


                        • Originally posted by jjpb3 View Post
                          In which category do you put those pesky SQTalkers who text you as they're having a Do somewhere?
                          'The others' category of course.
                          Those texts are always pleasant disruptions to my day.


                          • Originally posted by StarG View Post
                            'The others' category of course.
                            Those texts are always pleasant disruptions to my day.
                            Good! Sunday, July 8, don't turn off your phone!


                            • I've had my Nokia N95 coming up to a fortnight now and it's great!

                              Apart from using it just as a phone, I use it mostly for e-mail - I download overnight e-mails using wifi in the morning whilst getting ready to go to work and read them on the tube; and do the same with 3G when I'm out and about.

                              I've installed VOIP (Truphone) but haven't used it outside of home yet. I've also installed the following:

                              * upgraded Quickoffice
                              * the Opera web browser (just in case it can handle some sites which the Nokia browser can't)
                              * ProfiMail which seems to blow the built-in e-mail client out of the water (but still not as good as my Palm's Snappermail)
                              * Pdf+ which handles Chinese characters unlike Adobe Reader Lite
                              * Y-Browser - a free file manager
                              * scanR - an (initially) free service allowing you to use your camera to do a quick & dirty scan of documents

                              I've ordered an extra battery charger and a 4G miniSD memory card but resisted the temptation to buy a keyboard (I've ended up over the years with keyboards for my Palm III, original Compaq iPaq and Palm T3 and hardly used them at all!).

                              Having said all of the above, the Nokia has only replaced my old mobile but hasn't replaced my Palm T3 (where I have a large collection of useful programs compared to what's available on Symbian S60 which seems somewhat sparse) and my iPod.

                              How do others use their phones ? Just for phone calls or more ?


                              • Originally posted by jhm View Post
                                How do others use their phones ? Just for phone calls or more ?
                                I have just received a new Motorola 880i for work. It seems to have a reasonable amount of functions but to be honest I will only use it for calls and texts (plus VHF radio calls which it has built in).

