Over the years, I have noticed that on flights, a significant proportion of passengers don’t appear to have any interest in the sights out of the window. This is a pity, because there are often amazing sights to be seen from the window seat.
Often, what you see depends on luck. Time of flight matters, as does flight routing and weather, not to mention which side of the plane you are sitting.
Very occasionally, everything falls into place, and from your window seat, you are rewarded with unusual sights, or at the very least views of major landmarks from a rare vantage point high in the sky.
Sometimes there is help from the cockpit: some pilots take great pleasure in pointing out sights and landmarks to passengers over the PA. But even without these announcements, the airshow map displays available on many aircraft these days make it easier to identify prominent landmarks to look out for.
I consider gazing out of aircraft windows a form of IFE. Sometimes it is an occasional glance out of the window on a long sector. On other flights, I have spent lots of time with my face plastered to the window, looking down at a gorgeous ever-changing landscape.
I thought that a thread on this topic would be interesting, and invite everyone to post pictures of what they have observed out the window on their flights.
I will also be posting window-seat pictures from some of the trips I have taken over the years. To kick things off, here is a picture out of the window just after departing from Changi Airport in 2016…
Often, what you see depends on luck. Time of flight matters, as does flight routing and weather, not to mention which side of the plane you are sitting.
Very occasionally, everything falls into place, and from your window seat, you are rewarded with unusual sights, or at the very least views of major landmarks from a rare vantage point high in the sky.
Sometimes there is help from the cockpit: some pilots take great pleasure in pointing out sights and landmarks to passengers over the PA. But even without these announcements, the airshow map displays available on many aircraft these days make it easier to identify prominent landmarks to look out for.
I consider gazing out of aircraft windows a form of IFE. Sometimes it is an occasional glance out of the window on a long sector. On other flights, I have spent lots of time with my face plastered to the window, looking down at a gorgeous ever-changing landscape.
I thought that a thread on this topic would be interesting, and invite everyone to post pictures of what they have observed out the window on their flights.
I will also be posting window-seat pictures from some of the trips I have taken over the years. To kick things off, here is a picture out of the window just after departing from Changi Airport in 2016…
